

Children’s Books- Hara

By |2020-03-23T15:54:13+03:30March 17th, 2020|Publications|

The Hara book has been written by the Plan for the Land team collaborating with the Hormozgan Province Department of Environment, with an aim to protect the hara jungles (Mangrove) and as part of the project for preparation of educational packs and raising awareness regarding the ponds. It is now published and ready for [...]

Children’s Books- Bottlenose Dolphin

By |2020-03-14T16:05:12+03:30March 14th, 2020|Publications|

The bottlenose Dolphin book has been written by the Plan for the Land team collaborating with the Hormozgan Province Department of Environment, with an aim to introduce the Bottlenose Dolphin to the children and educate them on the importance of conserving this species, and as  part of the project for preparation of educational packs [...]