Plan for the Land society in purpose of conservation and wildlife of Iran and in order to develop environmental awareness, has produced and published a set of educational books for Iranian wildlife for children, teenagers and adults Iran’s wildlife, brochures (protected species), leaflets and posters. Each of these publications is disseminated, distributed, and trained under the social responsibility of the contracting companies under a subset of research-conservation projects. You can see the collections below:


Sea turtles in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea

Whales observed off the coast of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea


Do’s and don’ts in time to watch sea turtles laying eggs

Caspian Seal

Caspian Seal

خلیج فارس و دریای عمان

راهنمای شناسایی پورپویز ها و دلفین های مشاهده شده در ایران

Mangrove Biosphere

Lake Parishan

Patterns of dolphin watching Hengam Island

Sport Fishing


الگوهای رفتاری تماشای دلفین

بایدها و نباید ها -به گل نشستن پستانداران دریایی

Golestan National Park

گردشگری مسئولانه در پارک ملی دیر – نخیلو

Wetlands values and threats

Code of Conduct Touran

Code of Conduct Khafr Village

Golestan National Park

گردشگری مسئولانه در جزیره شیدور

Persian leopard

Persian leopard

Persian leopard




Asiatic Cheetah

Marsh Crocodile

Asiatic Black Bear

Persian Leopard


Persian Fallow Deer

Iranian Ground-Jay

Dalmatian Pelican

Bottlenose Dolphin

Hawksbill Turtle

Common Otter

Brown Trout

Caspian Seal

Patterns of dolphin watching

Code of Conduct Touran

Wetland values and Threats

Code of Conduct khafr village

Responsible Tourism -Deir-Nakhilu

Responsible Tourism – Shidvar